Top 17 Ideas for Remembering and Honouring a Deceased One on your Wedding Day
There is no right and no wrong when it comes to honouring and including a deceased loved one on your wedding day. There’s no specific way to acknowledge a much-loved friend or relative who is no longer with you and it may prove too painful to do so. Whether you...
Patience in Marriage
What quality helps you stay happily married? Patience One of the qualities for a happy long-term marriage must be 'patience' as patience allows for a bigger perspective on events. It is so very easy to react in the moment to a situation only to discover a little later...
Top 5 Scottish Wedding Traditions
The top five unusual lucky charm traditions from around Scotland. 1) When leaving to go to her wedding ceremony the bride should step with her right foot forward when exciting her home or room. 2) A sixpence in the bride's shoe has long been a tradition in...